



Price increase from June 2023

Dear Customers,

As a long-standing partner for high-quality endoscope repairs, we want to continue to meet your expectations of quality, adherence to schedules and flexibility in the future.

We are particularly dependent on our employees, partners and suppliers who support us on our way.

In recent years, we have always been able to avoid passing on increased costs to our customers in the form of flat-rate price increases. This year, however, we are confronted with massively increased costs. Constantly rising spare parts and energy costs, rising personnel costs for qualified employees and growing inflation can no longer be compensated for by savings and are taking on proportions to which we have to react with a general price increase for the first time in many years. That is why we are increasing all prices effective June 1st, 2023.

We regret this step, but we are sure that it is also in your interest to have a strong and reliable partner at your side with EndoComplete in the future.

Your EndoComplete Team

Maintenance of the latest generation

Bild CLV-190

Being innovative means being able to keep up with the changes.

EndoComplete provides a full Olympus 190 Series system to serve your needs and cope with the future.

We now offer repairs for the current 190 Olympus series.

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